Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Winter's Beauty

Today I felt the need to go out and do a little nature walk and drive despite the frigid cold weather we're having.  I'm always inspired by nature's beauty and I think winter is truly a beautiful season!  
...snowbirds welcome!
no bluebirds in our bird house ~ gotta wait 'til spring.

Boy, our snowman is sure getting a lot of attention these days.  
Today, this beautiful cardinal decided to visit ~  lucky guy!
~ a vintage wagon ~
~ a horse stable not too far from us ~
...the licking post (lol)

Our hanging basket that I change with the seasons and our "think snow" snowman...I filled the basket with snowflake picks, winter greens and berry sprigs for the winter.
Hope everyone's enjoying the beauty of winter wherever you may be!


  1. this was all on your walk??

    how far did you GO?

    the blog looks g.r.e.a.t.

  2. Hi Joy ~ Most of it was taken on my drive over to Equestrian's so pretty there! I'm really enjoying blogging, it took me long enough huh? It does take a little time though to get it the way you want ~ I'm a blogger in progress. Happy Blogging!

